
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Birthday party crafts for age 7 to 9

Little beads critters
You may purchase ready pack crafts which include metal hooks, satin cord and assorted beads. With clear simple instruction, each children could make their own cute little beads critters. There are various designs to choose from, like butterfly, bees, tortoise, etc.

Handmade puppet
A simple handmade puppet for each child and at the end of the day, each child get to bring them home. All you need is a plastic needle (so that you will not hurt the child), two pieces of precut felt of the animal and one more piece for the eyes or other features. You may also use other materials like laces, buttons and beads for the eyes, mouth and ear. Get ready some scissors and glue to be shared.

You can easily get ready pack handmade puppet set via internet craft shops.

Photo frame
Readily available at most craft shops, this come with pre-cut frames with easy instruction to put them together. Come with craft sticks, paint brushes and color paints and some accessories for decoration of the frame. Print a photo of the child during the birthday party to be placed in the frame will be a unique gift for every child to remember the great day.

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